All Southern Ute Indian Tribe bulk water fill station customers are invited to enroll online with FlowPoint Water+.
Residential Potable Water Stations
Residential potable water stations at both the CR 517 and Hwy 172 locations are prepaid only.
Enroll online to prepay for water, check prepaid balances, view payment and water usage history, and manage access codes/pins for use at the station.
Links for Residential Customers:
Enrollment Instructions – Prepaid
Logging in for the First Time – Prepaid
Commercial Potable and Industrial Non-Potable Water Stations
Commercial and Industrial customers using the Hwy 172 location are invoice only.
Enroll online to view water usage history and manage trucks, drivers, access codes/pins for use at the station.
Links for Commercial and Industrial Customers:
Enrollment Instructions – Invoice